COOPAV Bralirwa Go Fishing Experience, an eco to0urism activities and opportunity to enjoy a traditional night time fishing experience with a local fishermen’s cooperative called COOPAV. Look for thm around Bralirwa, in the Gisenyi bay, 8 kms from the town centre.
The Nyamyumba Hot Springs is thought to have multiple medicinal and curative virtues. The hot springs can be found about 7km from the town centre on the way to Kifugi. This siteis a great place to un wind and take a swim.
The residence of Bishop Bigirumwami wasoriginally constructed in 1947 by Belgians and later renovated by Bigirumwami, the first African catholic bishop. The beautiful residence has a scenic view of lake Kivu. Accommodation and camping facilities are provided by he guest house La Maison St Benoit of Kigufi, which is managed by Catholic sisters.
1918 First World War Graves, 2 km from Gisenyi city centre is a burial site of the Belgian soldiers who died during the first world war. This site could be of great historical value if renovated. You can reach it along the main Kigali – Rubavu road.
Methane Gas to Electricity plant, The world’s first plant was developed in Rwanda from 2005, the station started producing power in 2008. The plant is considered a tourist attraction due to its ecological value. There is also has a rig which can be seen in the distance on lake Kivu.
Fifty-five billion cubic metres of dissolved methane gas has recently been found at a depth of 300metres. It is estimated that 300cubic kilometers of carbon dioxide and 60 cubic kilometers of methane lie within the lake.
A magnificent scenic 227 km route stretching along the shores of lake Kivu in the western province from Rubavu district through Rutsiro, Karngi, Nyamasheke to Rusizi districts.
This spectacular route is known as the Congo –Nile Trail takes 8-days by foot, 5-days by mountain bike and 3-days by vehicle. This route combines number tourism attractions along the way, as it curves along the shores of the lake. Some of the targeted attractions along the trail include the Rubona hill and BRALIRWA bay in Rubavu district, coffee and tea experiences, several isles and bays on lake Kivu as well as camping sites on top of Mugonero high in Karongi district as well as a number of community tourism initiatives.
Also, planned for development as a major stop for tourists is the Congo-Nile divide water shed in Rutsiro district-a high point where the Nile basin separates from the Congo basin. The site offers a magnificent view of Lake Kivu positioned in the western rift valley mountain range.
This initiative is being developed by RDB in collaboration with United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and SNV Rwanda. It is being marketed to tourists in a bid to encourage local communities to fight poverty by developing tourism initiates while at the same time allowing the country to diversify from gorilla tourism. The route is only suitable for patient 4×4 drives as the maximum speed, due to eroded road condition 25 km per hour.
The pfunda tea route experience
The country produces some of the world’s best teas, like those from pfunda tea estate and factory. The estate lies below the Virunga volcano and the rich volcanic soil makes contributes to a higher quality tea. The tea route experience is a unique eco tourism attraction because of its involve ment with the local community. The estate is situated 9 kms from Gisenyi city centre on the road towards Musanze.
Ingoboka coffee cooperative
With 8 million coffee trees in Rwanda, coffee is an institution. Arabica coffee and Maraba coffee two of Rwanda’s biggest exports. ‘Rwanda Bourbon Coffee’ is a favourite, used by starbucks.
The Bourbon beans are grown by the Ingoboka Farmer’s association on volcanic soils,. At high altitudes of 1450 and 1800m. this widely sought after bean has a good body and a classic clean taste.
Join a tour ‘from crop to cup’ to experience each step of the coffee making process. See how each coffeeplant is hand – raised and caredfor by the farmer on the plantation and visit the nearby Gashishi washing station where the coffee is processed.
Mugongo caves
The mogongo caves are great for caving and camping facilities are on offer in the vicinity.
Most of the caves in rwanda are developed from Cenozoic volcanic rocks formed several million yearsago. Mugongo cave is located close to Mrs. Carr’s property, a few metres from the Mudende sector office.
Giswati forest
A protected reserve east of Gisenyi town. You can reach the forest from the road between Rubavu and Karongi. Large tea estates occupy the central and northern parts of the reserve. Bring your hiking gear to explore the forest at your leisure. This forest is excellent for bird watching!