Gitesi Sector

Gitesi Sector memorial, built in 2007, took more than a decade to construct because most of the Tutsi in these areas died during the genocide, living the bodies with fewer living advocates. Now a relatively maintained memorial site, a barbed wire fence protects the mass grave, with its flat stone surface, and a white marker with the inscriptions “twarabakundaga” / “we love you”, “Turababura” / “We lost you”, “Nitiuzabibagirana” / “We wont forget you”.

Kibuye power plant;

The first ever Methane Gas to electricity experience was developed in rwanda from 2005 in the town of Gisenyi, the station started producing power in November 2008. Now considered a tourist attraction because of its uniqueness and ecological value contributing to energy saving.

Kibuye power plant is currently producing more than 4% of the countr’s electricity supply. The success of this project has brought together local and foreign investors. Hundreds of million dollars are going to be poured into new methane plants along the lakeshore. Soon more than one in 14 homes, which is the current count, will have access to electricity.

Rubengera sector

Urutare rwa Ndaba (Ndaba waterfalls)                                                                                                                                            A magnificent waterfall found along the Muhanga-Kigali road approximately 20km from Kibuye. This 100m high waterfall is a poular tourist attraction and may be developed as a mountain sport adventure area in the near future. 

The Kadasomwa river bridge

Found 4km from the Karongi district Rubengera sector office, on the Congo Nile trail route. This bridge plays a great role of connecting the two districts of the Karongi and Nyamasheke.


Ikigabiro is a tree that signals a royal site. Located on a road to Rubavu, this site indicates the famus king Rwabugiri’s residence. Rwabugiri was the last independent Rwandan king, who reigned over the Rwandan kingdom from 1853 to 1895.